The Planning and Transport in City Regions Program seeks to understand processes of urban development and patterns of mobility at the metro-regional scale, and the policy measures needed to improve the productivity, livability and sustainability of city-regions.

The program is focused on the case of Melbourne as a mega-city in the making and addresses the problems and challenges faced by planners in grappling with the city’s transformation.

The program’s work is nonetheless positioned within a national and international context and looks toward experience elsewhere in metropolitan scale land-use and transport planning to inform its research agenda.


Public Transport Accessibility in the City of Port Phillip


Spatial Network Analysis for Multimodal Urban Transport Systems (SNAMUTS)

The Benefits of Elevated Rail: Lessons from the graduate design studio “Rail UP!”


The Victorian state government has committed to removing 50 level crossings in two terms of office: a faster rate of removal than in any other period in the history of railways in Melbourne.

Improved Urban Systems for Liveability


This project investigates how major cities function and the effects of their land-use, housing and infrastructure systems on the humans that live in them.

Early delivery of equitable and healthy transport options in new suburbs


The project will produce evidence and tools to assist both the public and private sectors provide transport options to residents of Melbourne’s new suburbs as soon as they move in.

Networks and Space: Autonomous Vehicles in Suburban Melbourne Design-Research Studio


Assessing the spatial implications of Autonomous Vehicles as feeders to railway stations in suburban Melbourne

Western Suburbs Transport Studio (2017)


What’s best for the west? Plan Melbourne 2017-2050 and alternative transport futures for Melbourne’s western suburbs.

Innovative responses to urban transportation: current practice in Australian cities


This project investigates drivers and processes of change within Australian metropolitan transport systems to identify future options and directions for policy development.

Activating social connection to address isolation in Australia


Australian Research Council Linkage Project 2022–25

Key People

Lead researchers

Professor Andrew Butt

Professor Andrew Butt

Convener of Planning and Transport in City Regions

Dr Tiebei Li

Dr Tiebei Li

Convener of Planning and Transport in City Regions

Program Researchers

Higher Degree by Research Candidates