
One reason people install smart home tech is to show off to their friends

26 September 2018

Ever wondered what all the fuss is about when it comes to smart homes? You’re not alone.


‘Smart home’ gadgets promise to cut power bills but many lie idle – or can even boost energy use

14 August 2017

“Smart” home control devices promise to do many things, including helping households reduce their energy bills. However, our research published today suggests that these devices are not the “easy” answer to energy management.


Smart home control – is the reality as bright as its promise?

A new RMIT study finds that ‘smart home’ devices may not be as bright as we thought.


Smart home technology: not the brightest way to save energy

A new study by RMIT University has found smart home control devices may actually increase energy use rather than cutting it, with households using them more for lifestyle benefits than to save power.


Smart home industry: Do convenience and energy efficiency always go together?

23 May 2017

The smart home is no exception in its ambition for easier living achieved through digital and connected consumerism. At the crux of this idea is the enrolment of internet-enabled devices and appliances in the creation of an even more convenient lifestyle.


The hidden energy cost of smart homes

13 June 2016

Light globes that change colour with the tap of an app, coffee machines you can talk to, and ovens that know exactly how long to cook your food: our homes are getting smart