CUR Stories

4 ways our streets can rescue restaurants, bars and cafes after coronavirus

28 May 2020

As Australia re-opens, the bars, cafes and restaurants that give life to our streets face a tough ask: stay open and stay afloat with just a fraction of the customers.

CUR Stories

New project investigates how COVID-19 impacts housing stress

28 May 2020

RMIT urban researchers have received funding from the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute to investigate COVID-19’s impact on housing stress in Melbourne.

CUR Stories

Public land is being sold exactly where thousands on the waiting list need housing

27 May 2020

The need for public housing is greater than ever before – Australia has a shortfall of at least 433,000 dwellings. Using public land for public housing is a no-brainer. But, at the time of writing, the Victorian government is preparing to sell over 2,646 hectares of land.

CUR Stories

New digital tool provides green solutions for city planners

26 May 2020

A European funded research project has released an online decision-making tool to identify suitable Nature-Based Solutions according to a city’s specific environmental challenges.

CUR Stories

Australian and UK urban experts partner to build better cities

26 May 2020

A new project brings together Australian and UK urban experts to virtually model and test the benefits of transport planning in creating healthier and sustainable cities across both countries.

CUR Stories

Risky driving accelerates crashes among Vietnamese motorcycle taxis

18 May 2020

New research shows almost one-third of app-based motorcycle taxi drivers in Vietnam have had a road crash, with an astounding 80% attributing the cause to their own risky driving.

CUR Stories

Reforming land policy for affordable and inclusive housing

13 May 2020

How policy makers regard and manage the ownership and use of land has profound consequences for the affordability of our homes and the inclusiveness of our neighbourhoods.

CUR Stories

Urban fringe critical to future food supply

05 May 2020

The COVID-19 crisis reinforces the vital need for cities to protect food-producing rural areas on the urban fringe to retain options and avoid the risk of future shortages, RMIT urban experts warn.

CUR Stories

Bringing offices to suburbia is the next step post COVID-19

04 May 2020

Creating new co-working office spaces in our suburbs could be accessible to 97% of Melburnians with just a short ride or walk, helping manage risk post COVID-19, finds new RMIT research.

CUR Stories

Victoria wastes potential for public housing on own land: study

03 May 2020

Victorian governments have wasted two decades of opportunities to address the state’s housing crisis, selling surplus public land that could have been used for 11,000 public housing units, new analysis reveals.

CUR Stories

Physical distancing is here for a while – over 100 experts call for more safe walking and cycling space

30 April 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has dramatically shifted our lives and the ways we move about our cities.

CUR Stories

Earth Day 50th anniversary turns up heat on climate crisis

22 April 2020

With global carbon emissions set to fall in the short-term due to coronavirus lockdowns, our experts look to long-term action needed to tackle climate change on Earth Day 2020.

CUR Stories

Coronavirus reminds us how liveable neighbourhoods matter for our well-being

21 April 2020

We are witnessing changes in the ways we use our cities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The liveability of our local neighbourhoods has never been more important.

CUR Stories

Australia had rent control in wartime. War on coronavirus demands the same response

15 April 2020

In this coronavirus “war”, governments should take inspiration from the past and again implement rent control.

CUR Stories

Where the wild things are: how nature might respond as coronavirus keeps humans indoors

08 April 2020

COVID-19 has taken a devastating toll on humanity, and this is nothing to be celebrated. But as Australians stay at home and our streets fall quiet, let’s consider how wildlife might respond.

CUR Stories

Centre for Urban Research welcomes new deputy director

20 March 2020

The RMIT Centre for Urban Research is delighted to announce the appointment of urban health expert Associate Professor Hannah Badland to the role of Deputy Director.

CUR Stories

The average regional city resident lacks good access to two-thirds of community services, and liveability suffers

16 March 2020

The way our growing cities are planned and built is becoming ever more important in building healthy, liveable and sustainable communities.

CUR Stories

Australia’s most liveable regional cities revealed

16 March 2020

Victoria is home to Australia's most liveable regional cities – Ballarat, Bendigo and Geelong – according to new research that for the first time maps health and liveability across the country’s 21 largest cities.

CUR Stories

Meet the women helping to improve how we live in cities and with nature

05 March 2020

As our cities evolve, so too should our approach to building and planning our urban habitats. Here, six RMIT urban researchers share how their work is shaping how we live in our cities and with nature.

CUR Stories

Thousands of city trees have been lost to development, when we need them more than ever

26 February 2020

Trees often feature prominently when talking about solutions, but our research shows trees are being lost to big developments – about 2,000 within a decade in inner Melbourne.

CUR Stories

Want to help save wildlife after the fires? You can do it in your own backyard

24 February 2020

Here we provide various practical tips on things people can do in their own backyards and neighbourhoods to help some of the species hit hard by the fires.

CUR Stories

Meet Jodie Boyd: Expert in cultural history and policy

24 February 2020

What role do libraries have in the 21st century in shaping our national narrative? Dr Jodie Boyd explains how libraries are vital to preserving our story as a multicultural society.

CUR Stories

Climate action plans must include threats on research, warn academics

24 February 2020

Research is not immune from the effects of climate change warns a new paper, urging the higher education sector to adapt their climate action plans to include the threats on research.

CUR Stories

No need to give up on crowded cities – we can make density so much better

18 February 2020

The more immediate need is to focus on improving conditions in our major cities. Our smaller towns matter, but we can’t neglect the urgent need to get better at doing the bigger ones right.