CUR Stories

No food, no fuel, no phones: bushfires showed we’re only ever one step from system collapse

06 February 2020

This summer’s bushfires were not just devastating events in themselves. More broadly, they highlighted the immense vulnerability of the systems which make our contemporary lives possible.

CUR Stories

New digital platform maps liveability in our major cities

05 February 2020

A groundbreaking new digital platform is set to transform how we map liveability in major cities across the country, in an Australian first.

CUR Stories

Rebuilding from the ashes of disaster: this is what Australia can learn from India

27 January 2020

A key question facing us all after Australia’s unprecedented bushfires is how will we do reconstruction differently? We need to ensure our rebuilding and recovery efforts make us safer, protect our environment and improve our ability to cope with future disasters.

CUR Stories

Rewilding cities: How bringing nature back to cities is good for our health

27 January 2020

The rise around the globe to bring nature back into cities has clear links to individual and community health and wellbeing, according to RMIT researchers at the Centre for Urban Research.

CUR Stories

Becoming a writer

22 January 2020

This blog is written for HDR students in GUSS and beyond. The aim is to offer reflections, tips and tricks on various aspects of doing a PhD to help you with your thesis journey.

CUR Stories

Bushfire education is too abstract. We need to get children into the real world

22 January 2020

Children and young people have been deeply impacted by the current bushfire crisis. Schools have been destroyed and thousands of houses have burnt down.