The Centre for Urban Research consists of a number of Centre-based researchers from across RMIT University, PhD students and honorary members, including colleagues from local, national and international institutions.

Postgraduate Students

Abdullah Al Zubaer Evan

Abdullah Al Zubaer Evan

PhD Student

Alfred Gasore

Alfred Gasore

Postgraduate Student

Ashleigh Stokes

Ashleigh Stokes

PhD Candidate

Atefeh Soleimani Roudi

Atefeh Soleimani Roudi

PhD student

Bethany Kiss

Bethany Kiss

PhD candidate

Cristina Hernandez

Cristina Hernandez

PhD Candidate

Cristina Wong

Cristina Wong

PhD Candidate

Dale Wright

Dale Wright

PhD Candidate, Research Assistant

Desmond Gagakuma

Desmond Gagakuma

PhD Student

Emma Leyder

Emma Leyder

Postgraduate Student

Farhana Akther

Farhana Akther

PhD Student

Fiona Hoegh-Guldberg

Fiona Hoegh-Guldberg

PhD Student

Francesca Vanelli

Francesca Vanelli

Postgraduate Student

Helen Scott

Helen Scott

PhD Student & Researcher

Hugh Stanford

Hugh Stanford

PhD Student and Causal Researcher

Jesse Kenny

Jesse Kenny

Postgraduate Student

Jharana Bhattarai

Jharana Bhattarai

PhD Student

Khilda Wildana Nur

Khilda Wildana Nur

PhD Student

Kieran Hegarty

Kieran Hegarty

PhD Student

Margareta Windisch

Margareta Windisch

PhD Student

Mehdi Alidadi

Mehdi Alidadi

PhD Student

Nicholas McFarlane

Nicholas McFarlane

PhD Student

Philippa Forge

Philippa Forge

PhD Student

Pouya Molaei

Pouya Molaei

PhD Candidate