Julie Lawson

Julie leads and undertakes research, consultancy, policy development, publishing and advocacy in the housing sector.

For over 20 years I have provided expertise to national governments, international organisations and advocacy organisations. To promote more sustainable and inclusive places to live, I contribute to legislative reform, national housing and land policy strategies, as well as affordable and social housing systems and their governance.

For over a decade I was on the Editorial Board of the leading international journal Housing Theory and Society 2011-2023 and since 2023 active on the board for Critical Housing Analysis.

My research of urban and land policy, housing systems, circuits of investment, urban infrastructure, financial intermediaries and guarantees, as well as best practices informed the UN Report #Housing2030 and the establishment of Australia’s National Housing Finance Investment Corporation (NHFIC), now Housing Australia. I have led many AHURI research projects such as the Inquiry in Social Housing as urban Infrastructure, comparing investment pathways and contribute to many projects, conferences, publications and podcasts in the housing and urban sector.

Over to past 3 years I have provided expertise for the Recovery Council of the Ukrainian Government (Lugano Plan) and continue to provide EC technical advice on policy, legislation, institutional reforms and capacity building efforts. I re-started the ENHR Working Group Housing and Social Theory in 2018 and initiated the WG Crises and Conflict and Recovery in 2023 and co-organised events Rebuilding a Place to Call Home and the course Tools for Recovery with colleagues from Ukrainian organisations such as UNUN, New Housing Policy and CEDOS.

I regularly share ideas via public events, academic conferences, policy workshops, professional podcasts and academic publications. My mother tongue is English, I am also fluent in Dutch and enjoy collaborating across cultures, professions, academic disciplines and time zones! I have lived in several countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia for extended periods. Since 2023 I am based in Warsaw and regularly contribute to extensive policy and research networks across Europe.