
Are conservation covenants a secure way to protect nature on private land?

18 August 2017

Recent RMIT research has revealed that conservation covenants in Australia are proving an enduring way to protect nature on private land.


Insects and the city: Conserving the little things that run our city

23 May 2017

All species in this planet are delicately interlinked to each other in a beautifully complex network of ecological interactions. In cities, insects are key components of urban ecological networks and are greatly impacted by human activities.


Getting smarter about city lights is good for us and nature too

21 December 2016

A network of street lighting links these “islands of illumination”. The effects of this can, in some large cities, result in “sky glow” that interferes with star visibility at distances of more than 300 kilometres.


Urban researchers nominated for Banksia Sustainability Award

15 November 2016

Research on biodiversity conservation in cities by two urban researchers has been recognised by the Banksia Foundation for its excellence in sustainability practice.


In a heatwave, the leafy suburbs are even more advantaged

08 February 2016

Summer brings out the heliophobe in many of us. It’s manageable if you live in a house that stays cool when shut up tight. It helps if you’re physically capable of crossing to the shadier side of a hot street.