In this seminar, Alan Pears, RMIT Senior Industry Fellow and Associate of the Centre for Urban Research shares his experience visiting twelve cities across the Asia-Pacific for his project for (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) on Low Carbon Model Towns.

Most of these cities are struggling to manage population growth, pollution and economic development while cutting emissions, thus low carbon strategies compete with, but often complement, other priorities.

These cities operate within a variety of political and institutional frameworks that either limit or assist their capacity to drive change. The cultures of their communities and, local environmental and economic circumstances vary greatly but each city adapts its approach to local conditions but draws from broader experience.

Alan will distil the main lessons he has drawn from these visits, and from his involvement in the APEC Low Carbon Model Towns project. He will also speak briefly about APEC’s agenda for low carbon urban development, and its mechanisms to encourage and fund research, networking and regional capacity development.

Image by Byron Bignell via Flickr/CC.BY.2.0


Building 13, Level 1, Room 1, 12:30pm to 2pm


Thursday 16 June

