Thami Croeser

Dr Thami Croeser is an urban planner with a focus on bringing nature back into cities in practical ways, at large scale.

Thami actively advocates for cities to convert heavily asphalted streetscapes into tree-lined green corridors, to give us a chance of handling future heatwaves and floods, and reconnect urban residents with native flora and fauna. Thami’s highly applied research approach blends urban design, urban greening and geospatial analysis to show how cities can accelerate policy implementation in urban forestry, climate adaptation and urban ecology. His most recent research demonstrates how redundant car parking on city streets can be converted to green space to deliver major climate adaptation benefits.

In recent professional roles Thami has guided cities in the EU in planning for Nature-Based Solutions, and led the greening of four city laneways as part of the City of Melbourne’s Green Your Laneway project.

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