Hector has experience researching low-carbon housing alternatives in the Australian existing housing stock. His research has focused on the socio-material relationships between insulation materials and insulation installers and how they affect the delivery of low-carbon housing.
Hector currently works on the project Following up on circularity: A whole-of-life evaluation of urban timber developments, which aims to document the barriers of implementing circular economy principles in the use of timber in mutli-unit residential buildings. Previously, he worked on the AHURI-funded project Sustainable social housing retrofit? Circular economy and tenant trade-offs, which aimed at establishing an evidence base and framework to support a transition to circular economy housing in Australia.
Additionally, his PhD work, contributed to the Australian Research Council-funded research project Housing Energy Efficiency Transitions Project, which created an empirical evidence base on the implications of retrofit for households in energy poverty. Previously, he has done research on the intersection of human rights, technologies and neoliberal policies in Quechua Communities in Peru.