Tag: housing affordability
CUR Stories
12 March 2021
Australia’s emerging build-to-rent sector is growing — “booming” by some accounts with a 70% jump in value in the past year.
CUR Stories
28 May 2020
RMIT urban researchers have received funding from the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute to investigate COVID-19’s impact on housing stress in Melbourne.
CUR Stories
27 May 2020
The need for public housing is greater than ever before – Australia has a shortfall of at least 433,000 dwellings. Using public land for public housing is a no-brainer. But, at the time of writing, the Victorian government is preparing to sell over 2,646 hectares of land.
CUR Stories
03 May 2020
Victorian governments have wasted two decades of opportunities to address the state’s housing crisis, selling surplus public land that could have been used for 11,000 public housing units, new analysis reveals.
CUR Stories
15 April 2020
In this coronavirus “war”, governments should take inspiration from the past and again implement rent control.