CUR Stories
12 March 2021
Australia’s emerging build-to-rent sector is growing — “booming” by some accounts with a 70% jump in value in the past year.
CUR Stories
25 November 2020
A new study examining Victorians’ lived experience during COVID-19 points to the design and quality of homes and neighbourhoods as a key mitigating factor in people’s capacity to cope with disasters.
03 June 2020
Stay-at-home orders and the economic crisis have increased the burden of energy costs on lower-income Australians. Poor housing quality and unequal access to home energy efficiency are hurting our most vulnerable households.
CUR Stories
28 May 2020
RMIT urban researchers have received funding from the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute to investigate COVID-19’s impact on housing stress in Melbourne.
CUR Stories
15 April 2020
In this coronavirus “war”, governments should take inspiration from the past and again implement rent control.
Director, Centre for Urban Research